
In the Winter and Spring of 2023, ShoreLake Arts offered Pay What You Can model classes for students grades 1-5 to help make quality visual arts classes accessible for all. The program was made possible by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA). We look forward to offering the program again in the future when funding is available.
Want to stay in the loop about future Pay What You Can classes?
Sign up for email alerts here
Choose an amount that best represents your financial means. Whether you are able to pay $20 or $285, all are welcome!
Fully covers this class for the student and benefits the community support for other students
Covers the instruction and supplies costs of this class and benefits the community support for other students
Covers the instruction and supplies costs of this class
Contributes to making this class possible
Contributes to making this class possible
Enter in a custom amount that best represents your ability to pay
Do you need a paper enrollment form or need to pay with cash or check? Please email ShoreLake Arts at artsed@shorelakearts.org or call (206) 417-4645 during business hours.
THANK YOU to our
Partners, Sponsors, and Individual Donors!
ShoreLake Arts Pay What You Can classes were presented in partnership with the City of Shoreline and made possible by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) and the generosity of individual donors like you. Would you like to support this and other ShoreLake Arts programs? Make a tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

Art Explorers Morning Class for Grades 1-3 (FULL)
8 Saturdays
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
April 29 - June 17, 2023
Lead Instructor:
*Students in Grade 3 are welcome to enroll in either the morning or afternoon class, but not both classes.
**Space in this popular program is limited. If you know in advance that your student has schedule conflicts and won't attend all 8 Saturdays, please contact us at artsed@shorelakearts.org before you enroll.
Alyx Dopp
Week 1 - April 29
Week 2 - May 6
Week 3 - May 13
Week 4 - May 20
Week 5 - May 27
Week 6 - June 3
Week 7 - June 10
Week 8 - June 17
Student attend all 8 Saturdays of the program. Each week, students will learn about different artists and art styles, and try out different art mediums, techniques, and tools. Activities will include: learning about foundational, art concepts, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, painting & more!
Art Explorers Afternoon Class for Grades 3-5 (FULL)
8 Saturdays
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
April 29 - June 17, 2023
Lead Instructor:
*Students in Grade 3 are welcome to enroll in either the morning or afternoon class, but not both classes
**Space in this popular program is limited. If you know in advance that your student has schedule conflicts and won't attend all 8 Saturdays, please contact us at artsed@shorelakearts.org before you enroll.
Alyx Dopp
Week 1 - April 29
Week 2 - May 6
Week 3 - May 13
Week 4 - May 20
Week 5 - May 27
Week 6 - June 3
Week 7 - June 10
Week 8 - June 17
Students attend all 8 Saturdays of the program. Each week, students will learn about different artists and art styles, and try out different art mediums, techniques, and tools. Activities will include: learning about foundational art concepts, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, painting & more!
What if I cannot afford to pay the minimum of $20?
You can still enroll. Please contact ShoreLake Arts at artsed@shorelakearts.org or during business hours at (206) 417-4645 to inquire about work study options.
How many students will be in each class?
The enrollment for these classes is capped at 20 students.
My student has never done an art class before. Can they still attend?
Definitely! No art experience is required.
Does my student need to bring art supplies?
No, all supplies are provided by ShoreLake Arts! On the first week of class, students will receive their own kit of art supplies that includes drawing pencils and erasers, colored pencils, washable markers, paintbrushes, a watercolor paint set, a mixed media pad (art journal), scissors, and glue sticks. At the end of the 8-week class, students will keep these supplies to continue their artistic practices at home!
Who teaches Art Adventure camps?
ShoreLake Arts' instructors are local professional artists who, in addition to making, showcasing, and selling their own artwork, love teaching art to kids.
What happens if my student needs to miss a day of class?
Sorry, but because instructors and the class venue are booked in advance, we are not able to offer make-up days. *Space in this popular program is limited. If you know in advance that your student has schedule conflicts and won't attend all 8 Saturdays, please contact us at artsed@shorelakearts.org before you enroll. If your student has to miss a class unexpectedly at some point during the program, please let us know (in advance when possible) by emailing artsed@shorelakearts.org or calling (206) 417-4645 during business hours.
What do I do if I need to cancel my student's registration.
If you need to cancel registration, please contact ShoreLake Arts as soon as possible and see the Cancellation & Refund Policy.
What should I do if my student is sick?
If your student is sick, please do not send them to class and email us at artsed@shorelakearts.org. See the Illness & Masking Policy below for additional instructions.
What if I cannot afford to pay the minimum of $20?
You can still enroll. Please contact ShoreLake Arts at artsed@shorelakearts.org or during business hours at (206) 417-4645 to inquire about work study options.
How many students will be in each class?
The enrollment for these classes is capped at 20 students.
My student has never done an art class before. Can they still attend?
Definitely! No art experience is required.
Does my student need to bring art supplies?
No, all supplies are provided by ShoreLake Arts! On the first week of class, students will receive their own kit of art supplies that includes drawing pencils and erasers, colored pencils, washable markers, paintbrushes, a watercolor paint set, a mixed media pad (art journal), scissors, and glue sticks. At the end of the 8-week class, students will keep these supplies to continue their artistic practices at home!
Who teaches Art Adventure camps?
ShoreLake Arts' instructors are local professional artists who, in addition to making, showcasing, and selling their own artwork, love teaching art to kids.
What happens if my student needs to miss a day of class?
Sorry, but because instructors and the class venue are booked in advance, we are not able to offer make-up days. *Space in this popular program is limited. If you know in advance that your student has schedule conflicts and won't attend all 8 Saturdays, please contact us at artsed@shorelakearts.org before you enroll. If your student has to miss a class unexpectedly at some point during the program, please let us know (in advance when possible) by emailing artsed@shorelakearts.org or calling (206) 417-4645 during business hours.
What do I do if I need to cancel my student's registration.
If you need to cancel registration, please contact ShoreLake Arts as soon as possible and see the Cancellation & Refund Policy.
What should I do if my student is sick?
If your student is sick, please do not send them to class and email us at artsed@shorelakearts.org. See the Illness & Masking Policy below for additional instructions.
Participation Expectations
Students are expected to treat themselves, peers, instructors, staff, and volunteers with respect to ensure everyone has the best experience possible in this program. Students are expected to follow directions given by instructors, staff, and volunteers to the best of their ability to promote learning and safety. If a student is having difficulty meeting these expectations, one or more of the following actions may be taken to support positive behavior and safety:
Instructors/staff may redirect the student to more positive behavior and remind them of our program participation expectations.
The student may be invited to participate in alternative activities that may better support positive behavior and safety.
The student's parents/guardians may be called to assist in supporting positive behavior and safety.
If the student is not able to participate in a way that supports the learning environment and safety of the class, the student may be asked to leave the program for the remainder of that day and invited to return at a later date when they are ready to participate in a positive and safe manner.
The student may be dismissed permanently from the program if they are not able to participate in a way that promotes learning and safety for themselves and others.
Instances of bullying, violence, harassment, or discriminatory behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the program. If a student is dismissed for disciplinary reasons, tuition and fees will not be refunded.
If registration is canceled 30 or more days before the start of the program: fees refunded 100% minus a $10 Cancellation fee
If registration is canceled between 15 and 29 days before the start of the program: fees refunded 75%
If registration is canceled between 8 and 14 days before the start of the camp: fees refunded 50%
If registration is canceled 7 or less days before the start of the camp: no refund
Cancelling Programs
Keeping our students and teaching artists healthy is important to us and we will monitor local and national health recommendations. ShoreLake Arts may cancel programs for reasons such as health & safety concerns, low/no registration, sudden changes in availability of event sites, extreme weather, etc. In these unlikely instances, 100% refunds will be offered.
We ask that families make every effort to pick-up students on-time. In the event that a family is more than 15 minutes late to pick-up a student, ShoreLake Arts reserves the right to charge parents/guardians a fee of $5 per minute to cover the cost of providing unplanned childcare for that student.
Masks are welcome but not required at all ShoreLake Arts events.
Before your child attends class, please closely monitor their health for symptoms of COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and other illnesses.
If your child is sick, do not allow them to attend class or have close physical contact with anyone attending class and notify ShoreLake Arts of their absence by emailing artsed@shorelakearts.org or calling (206) 417-4645 during business hours.
Your student will be allowed to return to class when all of the following conditions have been met:
A minimum of 5 days have passed since your child’s first symptoms appeared;
Your child’s symptoms have significantly resolved;
Your child has been fever-free for at least 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medications; and
Your child must wear a mask until your child is 100% symptom free.
If your child has close physical contact with a person with a confirmed/diagnosed case of COVID-19, please closely monitor your child’s health for symptoms of COVID-19. You are encouraged to obtain a COVID-19 molecular lab test (PCR or NAAT) for your student. Your child does not need to stay home unless they develop symptoms.
I am 18 years of age or older, fully competent, and am the parent or legal guardian of the student participant(s) being registered for this ShoreLake Arts program. I desire for my child(ren) or ward(s) to participate in this program offered by ShoreLake Arts. I understand that this program may include activities such as dance, fitness, and other special interests, and I understand that there are special dangers and risks inherent in these activities including, but not limited to, the risk of serious physical injury, death, or other harmful consequences which may arise directly or indirectly from my child’s/children’s or ward’s participation in these activities. HAVING READ THIS WAIVER AND BEING FULLY INFORMED OF THESE RISKS and in consideration of my child(ren) or my ward(s) being allowed to participate in this program, I assume all risk of injury, damage, and harm to my child(ren) or ward(s) which may arise from my child’s/children’s or ward’s participation in the program. I further agree to release and hold harmless ShoreLake Arts, its officials, employees, and agents, the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, and the Shoreline School District, and agree to waive any right of recovery that I or my heirs and successors may personally have in the future to bring a claim or lawsuit for damages against ShoreLake Arts, its officials, employees, and agents, the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, and the Shoreline School District for any personal injury, death, or harmful consequences occurring to me or my child(ren) or ward(s) arising out of my child’s/children’s or my ward’s participation in the program.
I acknowledge that infections of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, have been confirmed throughout the United States and Washington State, including cases in the City of Shoreline, the City of Lake Forest Park, and surrounding areas. I understand that in accordance with the most recent guidance and protocols issued by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Washington State Department of Health, and the Seattle/King County Department of Health for slowing the transmission of COVID-19, ShoreLake Arts has established procedures to implement the guidance and protocols and, at any time, may revise its procedures based on updated guidance and protocols and I agree to comply with, and instruct my child(ren) or ward(s) to comply with, ShoreLake Arts' procedures and any revisions to the procedures.
I understand that ShoreLake Arts cannot guarantee that anyone participating in its programs will not be exposed to or infected by COVID-19; that due to the nature of ShoreLake Arts' programs, social distancing of six (6) feet per person among children and ShoreLake Arts staff is not always possible; and that the risks of being exposed to or infected by COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including ShoreLake Arts officials, employees, or agents. Therefore, I understand the known and unknown dangers of participating in ShoreLake Arts' programs due to COVID-19 and acknowledge that any participation of my child(ren) or my ward(s) may, despite ShoreLake Arts' reasonable efforts to mitigate such dangers, result in exposure to or infection by COVID-19, which could result in quarantine requirements, serious illness, disability, and/or death.
I hereby agree, represent, and warrant that neither myself nor any participating child(ren) or ward(s) shall visit or participate in ShoreLake Arts' programs if they: (1) are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including but not limited to, fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, or sore throat; (2) has a suspected or diagnosed/confirmed case of COVID-19; or (3) has knowingly been in close proximity and/or physical contact with anyone who has a suspected or diagnosed/confirmed case of COVID-19.
HAVING READ THIS DOCUMENT AND BEING FULLY INFORMED OF THE CONTAGIOUS NATURE OF COVID-19 AND THE RISKS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, OF BEING EXPOSED TO OR INFECTED BY COVID-19, I ASSUME ALL RISK AND SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of injury, damage, and harm to myself or my child(ren) or ward(s) which may arise from my child’s/children’s or my ward’s participation in ShoreLake Arts' programs. I FURTHER AGREE TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS SHORELAKE ARTS, its officials, employees, and agents, the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, and the Shoreline School District, and agree to waive any right of recovery that I or my heirs and successors may personally have in the future to bring a claim or lawsuit for damages against ShoreLake Arts, its officials, employees, and agents, the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, and the Shoreline School District for any personal injury, death, or harmful consequences occurring to me or my child(ren) or ward(s) arising, directly or indirectly, out of my child’s/children’s or my ward’s participation in ShoreLake Arts' programs.
ShoreLake Arts Pay What You Can classes are presented in partnership with the City of Shoreline and made possible by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) and the generosity of individual donors like you. Would you like to support this and other ShoreLake Arts programs? Make a tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!