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Community Project Awards

Does your group need help presenting an arts event that serves the community? We fund special projects, artists’ residencies, and performances that extend the group’s usual scope. Awards range from about $250 - $1,500. 

2022 Grantees include: 

The Shoreline School District, JHP Diversity and Cultural Legacy and the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation.


We want to promote experiences in all the arts to enhance the quality of life in our community. Non-profit organizations OR Community Groups* (see application information below) that provide arts or cultural programming for the benefit of the general public are eligible. We fund special projects, artist’s residencies, and performances that extend the group’s usual arts programming. An organization may only apply for one Community Project Grant in any one year. 

Award amounts: $250 - $1,500


Application Deadline: 5pm, Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Project dates: January - November 2023

Image by Joanna Kosinska

What are people saying?

JHP Legacy
Multicultural Heritage 

“Artistically, this project met our expectations. The performers were able to demonstrate all their acts with passion and the spirit of the arts. The moral/theme of each art was well exhibited." Some highlights included an "umbrella dance and Procession of a Traditional Chief from the Eastern part of Ghana, and a variety of performance from the continent of Africa, Hawaii, India, and the Tap Project"

Black Books Fair

Black Voices: Author Candice Montgomery

"Candice was amazingly inspiring - they helped students know that if they didn't' see themselves in stories, that they could write their own. They also encouraged students of color at Kellogg to become masterful at their craft, to hone in their skills as authors, and to develop a good story. Seeing Candice being interviewed by 2 amazing 6th graders was phenomenal as well, as they were one of the first authors, let alone Black authors, that they got to interview."

Third Place Commons

Free Dance Lessons

We were excited to launch this project on the rand finale night of our Swing into the New Year music series. Portage Bay Big Band offered an opportunity for the newly minted dancers to practice into the night, creating an exceptionally fun evening of community members connecting through music and dance. 

Throughout the months, one of th highlights was seeing people arrive for the dance lesson at 6pm, stay, and dance on a packed floor all the way until closing time!" 

Application Guidelines & Information


  • Project may involve one or a combination of the arts: visual, music, theater, dance, literary, and media (film, digital, etc.).

  • Project must take place in Shoreline/Lake Forest Park or primarily benefit Shoreline/LFP residents.

  • Priority will be given to projects that involve Shoreline/Lake Forest Park artists.

  • Funds may be used for specific artistic costs (i.e. guest artist fees, presentation of new work or to new audiences, royalties, facility rental, production costs, etc.) not general operating costs. Funds may not be used for a for-profit event.

  • Project should expand current arts experiences offered by the organization.

  • Matching Funds: Proposal must show evidence of other support such as ticket sales, sponsorships, grants, donations, or other funding sources. 

  • Nonprofit Organizations (501c3) must have been in operation for at least one year to apply.

  • Community Groups (not 501c3) must have been in operation for at least three years to apply.

  • Projects must be open, accessible, and advertised to the general public (some COVID-19 exceptions allowed).  Printed material must state: “This project is supported, in part, by ShoreLake Arts.”

Review Criteria

  • Need for services: what is the evidence of public interest or demand for the service?  Is the service a duplication of service provided elsewhere?  Does it provide a unique experience in our community?

  • Artistic quality: how will the project improve understanding and appreciation of the arts?  Will the project involve recognized arts professionals?

  • Public outreach:  Is the project advertised and accessible to general as well as special needs participants?   

  • Financial need:  is the budget realistic? Is there evidence of other funding sources or in-kind support?

  • Management capabilities of applying organization/project director: board resources, skilled personnel, previous successful programs.


Projects which can not be supported include:

  • Capital projects, purchase of real property            

  • Tuition assistance, scholarships, or cash prizes to individuals

  • Projects which have already been completed            

  • Operating funds normally budgeted for a project

  • Project funding to offset regular annual deficits  

  • Projects supporting and/or promoting any candidate, ballot initiative, political party or religiously affiliated organization

  • Projects exclusively or primarily benefiting the membership of the organization or those that preclude reasonable access by the general public

  • For profit organizations or projects

Procedures and Fund Disbursement 

  • Application should be submitted via the online application. If a paper application is required, one can be provided. 

  • Award recipients will be required to enter into a contract for services.  Any funds committed to a project will be disbursed directly to the organization or artists responsible for services rendered.  ShoreLake Artsl will require receipt of the project budget and all final evaluation materials before support funds will be released.


  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Project Award, activities, and events must be done in safe and socially distanced ways according to the guidance and regulations put forth by the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park; King County Public Health and the Washington State Department of Health.

  • If unforeseen changes happen to your programs or planed project because of COVID-19, ShoreLake Arts will work with your organization to create an alternative plan. 

Image by Brandi Redd


For questions contact:

Quinn Elliott, Executive Director



Previous Awards


Briarcrest Neighborhood Association, Briarcrest Presents: A Storytelling Workshop $250

Choir of the Sound, “We Can’t Stop the Beat: 40 Years of Tony Awards” $500

Hopelink, Food Bank Mural $750

JHP Cultural & Diversity Legacy, 2017 Cultural Heritage (A Multicultural Festival) $1,000

Kud Ljiljan, Bosnian Costumes for Youth Dance Group $500

Richmond Beach Community Association, Strawberry Festival Music $750

Shoreline Concert Band, Guest Soloist Performance and Workshop $500


Aurora Theater Company, 5th Annual Outdoor Summer Musical “Chicago”, $800

Briarcrest Neighborhood Association, “1,001 Nights” an Epic Two-Day Story Telling Event $250

Friends of Third Place Commons, Weekend Music Dance Lessons, $450

JHP Cultural & Diversity Legacy, Cultural Heritage Festival, $1,000

Shoreline Community College, Opera Workshop 2018 Commission of new work, $500

Shoreline Concert Band, Winter Concert with Special Guest Soloist  $500

Youth for Culture Promotion, An Evening of Nepalese Music, $500


Dandylyon Drama, Musicals Season 2018-2019, $1,500

Edwin T Pratt Mural at Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center, $1,500

JHP Cultural & Diversity Legacy, Cultural Heritage Festival, $1,000


Shoreline Arts For Justice at Shoreline Community College,  Artist Honorarium, $600

Shoreline Concert Band, Winter Concert with Special Guest Soloist  $500


Shoreline School District

Black Voices: Afrofuturism


JHP Cultural & Diversity Legacy, Cultural Heritage Festival, $1,500

Dandylyon Drama

CAPE Project


Community Project Grants

Mission: To cultivate creativity and inspire our community through the arts.

Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit: EIN 91-1475914

Thank you for your support!

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