Submissions for the 2022 ShoreLake Arts Youth Art Show are now being reviewed and the submission portal is now closed.
You can view artwork at this web page from June 20, 2022 through July 31, 2022. Selections for the 2022-23 Shoreline School District Calendar will be announced at a later date.

Ivy Ren, "A Dream to Hawaii"
Submission Guidelines
Any Pre-K through 12th grade student. To be eligible to have work included in the 2022-23 Shoreline School District calendar, students must currently attend a Shoreline School District school (including the Home Education Exchange and Edwin Pratt Early Learning Center).
2-D and 3-D works are accepted. Students may submit up to 2 works of art, but only 1 work of art per category.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 by 11:59 PM PDT. Sorry, but late submissions will not be accepted.
Parents, please submit an online application for your student(s) by the deadline above. See the "Photographing Your Work" section below for information about submitting photographs.
Free. There is a $5 suggested donation to ShoreLake Arts in the online application form to help offset the cost of producing the Youth Art Show.
Artwork will be viewable at this web page from June 20 through July 31, 2022.
Photographing Your Work
Most smart phone can take very high quality photographs. If you have a DSLR camera, feel free to use it, but it is probably not necessary.
Pay attention to lighting. This is very important. Most indoor lighting setups will not be bright enough, or they will cast shadows on your artwork. Consider taking your artwork outside to photograph it (weather pending). Even on slightly overcast days, the sun is a great source of bright, indirect light.
Place your artwork on a neutral background. Let the colors of your artwork pop by avoiding color in the background.
Take more photos than you need. Give yourself the luxury of looking through photos to choose the best one.
Please submit photographs as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .tiff files. By default, iPhones save photos as .heic files. If you have a Mac, you can use Preview to export photos as .jpeg files. There are also plenty of free online services for changing photo file types.

Katrina Fredericks, "Dive Into the Mind"
Every year, Shoreline Public Schools selects the artwork for its annual district-wide calendar from submissions for the ShoreLake Arts Youth Art Show. View previous years' calendars below and check back in later this year to see the 2022-23 calendar!
Thank you to our partners at Shoreline Public Schools for making the Youth Art Show possible every year!